August closes…..

…so it’s only 4 months until the 2018 (UK resident) Glen of Imaal Terrier Survey ends. Have you filled it in yet? It doesn’t matter whether you have a pet, a show dog or a rescue. If you have a Glen we’d like you to take a look and fill it in. It won’t take long and no personal information is taken unless you wish to leave it.

The DNA Archive won’t be finishing at the end of the year. The idea of it is that it will be there to hopefully benefit the breed in years to come. Do your bit for Glens and help out. It isn’t difficult, just have a look at the website.

Also the Glen DNA Archive website has a new page:

The Glen DNA Archive flyer can be downloaded for inclusion in puppy packs and for distribution at breed events.

Please email for large format photos that can be downloaded and printed as A3 posters for breed events: