It’s a wrap!!!!!!

Yep, you read that correctly. The pennies have been retreived from beneath the table, the final pots emptied, the last bits of paper included and it can be finally said……yes, Yes, YES! Five years ago the EFG people took a huge gamble and, in a submission to the Kennel Club Charitable Trust, pledged to match any monies donated to the Glen of Imaal Terrier PRA DNA Fund within five years. Four years ago it all started and now, with one year “to spare” it’s ended WITH A RESULT!!

The torrential rain at the Companion Show and FUNd Day meant only about half was raised there compared to what has come in the previous years but other sources, plus the success of past events, means WE DID IT!!

All that can be said is thank you to a group of people that, without any official backing, proved that their word was good and they believed. Thank you for the time. Thank you for the effort. Thank you for the donations in memory of beloved dogs and thank you for keeping the Pennies for PRA pots. Thank you for bidding on ebay. Thank you for crossing the country. Thank you all for being you and remaining convinced and supporting when others just seemed to want us to fail. We’re off for a well deserved lie-down now and will be back on the 15th.

But before we go this is for all of us

The best ever

The ebay auction for the Glen of Imaal Terrier PRA Fund raised the most money yet. Initially we weren’t sure, with things being tight, whether to do it or not but you said yes and we are so glad we did. It wasn’t just Glen people who bid and some of the items donated are going onto illustrious things. The Dog World Stud Dog Trophy is going to Montgomery for the Cairn Terrier Auction of unique things and the Privacy Room will next appear in Spa, Belgium, sheltering an Aston Martin. Our auction things are better travelled than many of us!

Companion Show-EFG style

Okay we all know it was wet last Saturday, so wet that some people rang up to see if everything was still going ahead, but the EFG Companion Show was a triumph of joined up thinking and huge thanks must be recorded to the judges, Jeff & Amanda Luscott  for good-humouredly and with obvious enjoyment “going with the flow”.

Jeff may have judged all over the world but we are laying odds that he has never performed under such a variety of tents, umbrellas and even under a judging table (it  kept the rain off). The Puppy Walk and Puppy Class entrants were obviously a bit bewildered about what was going on but every owner made a point of saying how good the judge was with them. And even before judging started, as everyboody shared the biggest tent, Jeff did a brilliant greeters job; if he ever wants a reference for front door work at McDonalds we will be honoured to give it. In a day of torrential rain somehow or other Amanda managed to do all of her judging in the only dry period, the rain starting once more as she finished. Impressive connections with the Weather God, can we have you again please!

And it was…..

WET! For the very first time the Companion Show & FUNDay was not smiled on by the Weather God but still people came. They came with umbrellas, wellies and all-terrain sandals so the water could flow through. They came in poncho’s, cagoules and barbours. They huddled together under any shelter and stood together out in the pouring rain debating whether it was raining quite as hard as it was ten minutes ago. (It usually was).

First impressions from the day: A Glen of Imaal Terrier doing his Good Citizens beautifully but only on a stand-no way was he going to sit in the wet. A teenage Glen owner practising and practising with her girl and it paid off; the Certificate was hers. Judge Jeff Luscott striding around the outdoor ring carrying & waving the arm of a giant Tigger being auctioned. Sausages and bacon being cooked under a gazebo as the rain poured down. The spontaneous round of applause after a bogged down van was driven out after a change of driver. The disbelieving thanks from the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf person who sold more goods than they had at a recent good weather event. The Womans Institute doyen who, on leaving, left compliments on the standard of the cakes.

Despite the rain everything says “we did good” which was as it should be considering the work that has been put in….over the last 15 years. Yes it was 1996 that the EFG came into being and on Saturday evening a rather magnificent creation was  shared out.

How about that for a cake!

Down to the last 24 hours

The tents and gazebos are up and the first of the caravans have arrived. The ebay auction has finished & so has the grass cutting. Journeys have begun from Wales, Scotland & the South Coast of England. The direction signs have been laminated and the final bow been given to the Weather Gods. Hopefully see you at the EFG Companion Show & FUNDay tomorrow and, oh yes, if you are entering the show you’ll be pleased to know that Royal Canin have sent £5 off vouchers for all 1st prize winners.

All systems are go and if the weather god isn’t happy with us this year remember how good our site is. Cars can be parked next to the ring and there will be numerous (and varied) umbrellas available!

48 hours to go…

The eye testing session is absolutely full and, for the first time, there is a waiting list. The lure machine has been checked and re-checked (this is a Tony special so nothing else would be expected). Rosettes and trophies have been collected and the ring marking out tape found. The mammoth bake for the cake stall has begun and the books have been priced. (This year the books are 10p holiday reading/10p other and 25p other so plenty of stocking up opportunities and there is always the 50p to look box; this is for what could be loosely termed adult/alternative reading & we can’t possibly reveal who donated which of these). The tombola prizes are being assembled and the hamper raffle prize has all its bits assigned. The Good Citizen’s Test has the highest number of dogs we have ever had entered & the toilets are due on site shortly.

The EFG Glen of Imaal Terrier Companion Show and Fund Raising Event is practically good to go!!

Getting down to the final details now.

72 hours from now and the Companion Show & FUNd Raiser will be on but the first people are arriving tomorrow for the big marquee lift. The bulk are scheduled to arrive Friday and already around 30 have said they will be participating in the fish & chip supper. The arrangement has been made that the order for food will be phoned through at 5 o’clock and eating will begin at 7.30. Can anybody who isn’t arriving until after 5 please phone or email Jean with their order!

10 days and counting..

We are now entering the final run to the EFG Companion Show & FUNday. The last of the ebay auction items were listed last night. The booking page for the eyetesting is nearly full; there are only a few places left so if you were meaning to book in get it done today ( The portaloos have been ordered and numerous chairs & tables sourced. If you are intending to stop overnight you’ll hopefully have made arrangements by now but if you haven’t let us know and we’ll do our best. We found bunks for two this week and only yesterday there was another “haven’t booked in yet” conversation.

Prayers to the weather God will soon begin!

and what else?

The Companion Show , just over two weeks now, is self explanatory but as everybody and everything, not just Glen of Imaal Terrier people and their dogs, are invited we are often getting a “and what else is there? Can I bring the family?” Of course the family is welcome. 

Just one example: A family came last year to have their dog’s eyes tested for the first time and as it was something new for them they all came to support the dog. As they left over three hours later they came to say what a marvellous afternoon they had had. They had been in the Companion Show, done agility, done a few games, won things on the raffle, bought a book, bought some sweets and had a cup of tea and a bun for four and still spent far less than £20.